Santosha is a two-part Sanskrit word. San- means entirely and -tosha means contentment, acceptance, satisfaction. So Santosha, in the yogic tradition of Patanjali, is the practice of being divinely contented and peaceful. A worthy practice indeed.
Voice is an expression or utterance from the larynx or from the heart. Also worthy of practice.
Group is people together. We are all in this together; let’s work together by singing together.
Santosha = Rich in wisdom and wholeness beyond desire.
Our Mission:
Our mission is to encourage all people to use their voices to sing and their ears to listen as a means to bring more contentment and peace to themselves and into their relationships and consequently into our world.
Our Practice:
When your community sings, it comes together in unimaginable ways. Groups of all sorts can add fun and an inexpressible connection by singing together. Our team of singers is ready to help you find a new way to come together in harmony.
Let us collaborate with you to bring a new, fresh perspective to your challenges. Whether you are an individual who has training and love for music but cannot find a place for it in your life, a non-profit who needs to raise awareness or money, a community group who is building connections, or a large corporation who is working on community relationships we have events, exercises, and songs that can bring people together.
Perhaps you are the leader of a church and need musical support for a sermon, or a governmental organization that needs educational activities for incarcerated or detained groups of adults or children. Maybe you are an event planner for a city, community, or family event that needs great, meaningful music that helps bring awareness to something that needs improvement like roads, stop lights, school lunches, or anniversaries. Applying purposeful musical co-creations and collaborations may just be the new, fresh strategy that finally breaks through.
The VOICES of the Santosha Voice Group
Core Values
The sunflower is the chosen icon for Santosha Voice Group because of its tendency to always turn towards the sun. In China the sunflower is associated with long life, good fortune, and vitality. To Native American groups, sunflowers represent harvest, bounty, and provision because they provide seeds, pigment and more. The yellow color represents vitality, intelligence, and happiness – also friendship. Sunflowers also symbolize worship and faithfulness in various traditions because of their resemblance to the sun which is associated with spiritual knowledge and the desire to seek the truth.
Come from a place of wholeness. The Santosha Voice Group harnesses the power of happiness, wholeness, and freedom from desire that makes courage possible. When we are whole and happy, we are able to courageously employ a tone suffused with wholeness, love, and wisdom in all our communication. Keep turning towards the sun.
Listen well. Get to know “the tone” of the people around you. We can better work together when we know each other’s tones. Get to know the tone of your co-creators, collaborators, and audiences. Collaborate with wonder, welcoming, and respect. This is how we create harmony.
Practice, practice, practice. Practice singing and do the practices that bring health and joy to your life. These practices keep us strong and able to light up the world. As Santosha singers and community members, these practices are essentially ways of continually turning towards the sun. Therefore, we keep practicing. It is our duty, as artists, to sing to and with the world, and in doing so, to give comfort, well-being, connection and belonging. Singing helps keep the world afloat.
Express yourself well. Singing can be the highest discourse and as such brings people together through sound. Speak like you are singing: with magnanimity, nobility, benevolence, friendliness, affability, eloquence, and speaking kindly. Truth-telling, and narrating your own story through song is a powerful way of knowing who you are and claiming who you ultimately want to become. Whether you sing, play an instrument, write or simply listen to songs that touch you from other songwriters, finding your voice is a powerful way to find your Truth.
Friends & Collaborators
Dr. Katharine Boyes
Pianist, college professor and expert in women composers of classical music, Dr. Boyes collaborates with Dr. Kane on the project Her Music Lives. Dr. Boyes believes in the power of adding women and girls to the conversation about classical music.